Osteopaths census

a C.O.M.E. Collaboration project

Team members

Core Research team

Francesco Cerritelli

Dr.PhD, MSc, MPH, Dip.Ost

Francesco Cerritelli is chair of the COME Collaboration. Along with the board of directors members, he shapes and approves research and fund-raising strategies, advocates for the foundation’s issues, and helps set the overall direction of the organization.

Francesco has broad interests in osteopathic research, neuroscience, and health science, focusing on interdisciplinary aspects of evidence-based medicine.
A native of Italy, Francesco earned a bachelor's and master's degrees in motor sciences from the University of L'Aquila, Italy. He also studied osteopathy at Accademia Italiana Osteopatia Tradizionale in Pescara, Italy, public health at Imperial College London, UK, and he did a Ph.D. program in neuroscience at University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy.

OPERA is a project of Non-profit Foundation C.O.ME. Collaboration